How to achieve the perfect work-life balance

Many successful entrepreneurs are de-prioritizing achieving a work-life balance in today's work culture of high pressure and competitiveness. According to a recent study of the 1.7 million respondents who agreed they suffer from excessive work hours and job stress, a whopping 64% admitted it was 'self-inflicted' and was taking a toll on their lives. 81% of the respondents said work was adversely affecting their health while 46% felt it was affecting their interpersonal relationships.

There is no rule as such for what a proper work-life balance is. Your personal circumstances, whether you are in your late thirties, married with children and living with in-laws or a swinging single, fresh out of university, determine your priorities. The bottom line is simply to invest some quality time for yourself, to allow yourself the chance to stop and smell the roses rather than letting work and strain overcome you only then you will be able to manage a successful business.

Identify, identify:

A good way to start is, to keep track of everything you do in a week towards meeting your goals. Identify avoidable activities by figuring out how to by-pass them. Next for important chores, try to improve your efficiency. Jotting down daily 'to-do lists' is a great way of managing your day-to-day affairs, rather than leaving things for the fag end, when your productivity level is at its ebb.

Grab some sleep:

Another simple way of improving effectiveness is to get enough sleep. You may feel guilty for sleeping that extra hour, but it may be worse if you don't. Sleep deprivation may result in more mistakes at work and therefore, force you to spend an additional two hours rectifying them.
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