Time to Take Action

It is important that our work and life have a balance. You may hate what has happened to your life. But, you probably don’t know how to change the landscape. You will be happy to know that you can change your life.

Whether you make this decision for health reasons, relationship reasons or simply out of the need to get control over your own life, you have more than enough justification and motivation to make the move.

However, you need to make a firm commitment to this change. Be realistic about how fast and how far you can go with this plan. But, let’s be clear about something. What we are talking about here is not quitting your job and hoping that someone will donate money to the cause. There is a real difference between achieving balance in your work and family life and the idea that you don’t have to work at all.

Work is part of life, and it is healthy and constructive. It pays the bills; it gives us the reward of real accomplishment and feeling of useful participation in the community and in society. What we are talking about here is the rational balance of your work and social life – a balance that is all too rare in today’s society, and one whose absence has caused sky-high healthcare costs and a dramatic increase in stress, psychological and relationship problems.

If you have decided to jump off the merry-go-round and seek some occasional solace with your family and friends, you must have a plan for your escape.

First, and foremost, you must set goals, Involve your boss, co-workers, friends and family in the process and keep the lines of communication open, and you’ll end up where you want to be. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Depending on your age and how long you have run the rat race, you may find it harder than you thought it would be but with perseverance and the right support network, you can succeed.
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